How To

Adding Video Posts

Adding a video to your post is very easy. Simply copy the embed code from your favorite video site (like YouTube or Vimeo) into the Groovy Video Custom Settings field. It will automatically be resized* to fit in the post, but if you wish to set a manual height (or width, but we recommend using the default), you can use the extra fields under the embed code.

Theme Options

Adding images to posts

Background Information

Our themes use a custom image resizing script (thumb.php) which will dynamically resize, crop & create an image in the appropriate size needed for the template. It is optional to use this in Groovy Video. If you don’t elect to use it, you will have to manually resize all your thumbnails to 190x142px before adding them to the Custom Settings.


View video demonstration. To add images to your posts, please reference the screenshot below and follow the subsequent instructions:

Theme Options
  1. On your Write > Post tab, complete all of the standard fields when adding a new post.
  2. Then, click on the “Add Media” icon and upload an image of your choice.
  3. Once uploaded, copy the complete “Link URL” field.
  4. Now scroll down to the Busy Bee Custom Settings panel and paste the “Link URL” into the “Image” field.


Setting up the WP-PostRatings Plugins

This awesome plugin allows you to change the layout of its output considerably. To get the optimal use of the plugin, we would suggest that you emulate our setup, which is present on the demo of Groovy Video. To do this, simply alter the plugin options like on our screenshots below:

You will also need to enable the use of PNG images for the plugin, by editing wp-postratings.php (in the plugin’s folder) with the following code:

Change this:

### Define Image Extension
define('RATINGS_IMG_EXT', 'gif');
//define('RATINGS_IMG_EXT', 'png');

To this:
### Define Image Extension
//define('RATINGS_IMG_EXT', 'gif');
define('RATINGS_IMG_EXT', 'png');

Custom Groovy Video Widgets

Groovy Video includes a few custom, Groovy Video-specific widgets to allow you more customisation options than ever before. Here’s a brief run-down of the custom widgets:

* denotes that there are options inside the widget that you may need to set for it to operate properly

Go to Apperance -> Widgets to add these widgets to your widgetized areas which include these 4 spots:

[insert name=»adding-widgets»]

Page Templates

[insert name=»page-templates»]