How To
Theme Overview
Placeholder is very easy to setup. Once you have installed the theme simply navigate to the «Placeholder > Theme Options» page and set up the theme.

You’ll quite evidently see all the options available to you, allowing you to totally customize the page look and feel. You can enable/disable the introduction, social links, newsletter sign up and countdown clock each under their own dedicated theme option’s panel.

To change the background color of the page, add a background image, and to add your own custom logo you just need to navigate to the styling options and fill in the options.
Adding a Campaign Monitor newsletter form
To add a Campaign monitor newsletter subscription form you are required to create a custom form on their website and then find the ID and also the Action on that form.
First navigate to Placeholder > Theme Options > Newsletter and select Campaign Monitor from the dropdown box.

Next login to your Campaign Monitor account, then click on the «Create a subscribe form» link in the right sidebar. You’ll then go to a page where you can set up the form.

Copy the two sections highlighted in the screenshot above and place the action and ID in the corresponding fields in the «Newsletter» theme options.
That’s it. You are set up for registrations for your newsletter!
Custom Widgets
The theme includes 4 custom widgets that you can add to your widgetized area:
- Woo – Ads 125 x 125 widget (setup ads in options panel)
- Woo – Flickr widget
- Woo – Twitter widget
- Woo – Search widget
[insert name=»adding-widgets»]
Page Templates
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