How To

Theme Overview

The home page of Wikeasi is clean and modern and well structured. It’s a simple collection of your latest posts. It also includes two menu locations, two widgetized sidebars, and a wonderful AJAX powered search area. Wikeasi quickly transforms your normal WordPress site into a Wiki like site. It allows for registered users to edit the articles, track these revisions, and even has a reference functionality we’ll talk about below.

Using A Custom Logo

It’s very easy to add a custom logo to Wikeasi or even use a text title. Navigate to the Wikeasi theme options and upload your logo with the upload button here.

Once uploaded be sure to click on the «insert into post» button and then click on «save all changes». You can also simply use a text title for your site. You can set this up under Settings>General in your WordPress admin.

Setting up Menus

Setting up the menus in Wikeasi is as easy as drag and drop. Navigate to Appearance>Menus and setup the pages, categories, and custom links as you’d wish. The top menu sits above the entire site, the primary menu is to the right of the logo and above the search area. From here you can also setup a category navigation widget to let users easily navigate via categories in the sidebar. You can also create a custom menu for certain internal pages, then create a custom sidebar using the sidebar manager built into the WooFramework. Once both of those are created you can put a menu widget in your custom sidebar and select your menu for that specific page.

Table of Contents

On the Wikeasi posts or pages you can display a table of contents. You can enable this feature to work automatically in the theme options under Theme Options>Table of Contents. You’ll then see the shortcode there to put in your posts/pages if you want to have more control over which posts/pages it appears in. The table of contents works by simply putting headers styled text into your posts/pages. Wikeasi will automatically detect these headers and create a table of contents for you.

Enabling The Table of Contents
Table of Contents In A Post

Content Revisions

Just as the name of the feature sounds, this option will allow you to track revisions for your posts. Particularly helpful if you have users editing your posts often. It even allows you to visit these revisions. You have two options to enable automatic entry of the revision list to the bottom of the post. You also have the option to show the changes made when showing the differences is enabled.

Enabling Revision Tracking
Revision Differences
Revisions Listed


With a site full of information you need to have references. Wikeasi has you covered here. You can enable references if needed and this adds a new Custom Post Type to your site. You simply create the references that you’ll use in your articles and publish them. There are custom fields to put an ISBN number, publisher name and url, as well as pages referenced.

Reference Custom Post Type

Once your reference is created, you can insert it very simply into a post or page by clicking on the insert reference button. Then selecting the one you’d like to use.

Insert A Reference
Selecting Your Reference

Once inserted and published your post will show a number next to where you inserted the reference. Hovering over this will bring up a tool tip showing the reference for that section.

Reference Tool Tip

Author Archives

Naturally a Wiki will have multiple authors and contributors, we’ve included an easy way to collect all of their posts, comments, and contributions in an author archive. You can enable this in your Theme Options>Author Archives. You have a few options in that as well. You can show an author’s biography on their archive page, this pulls the information from their WordPress user profile. You can also enable a contribution box when viewing their archives.

Enabiling Author Archives
Author Archives


The search function is probably the biggest feature of this theme. It allows you to easily and quickly find the information you’re after. It’s easy to get lost in the sea of information that a Wiki site can contain, this is why we paid close attention to how users can use the search most effectively.

Wikeasi Search Options

Wikeasi AJAX Search

You’ll see here by this screenshot that our search can not only bring you results via AJAX, saving you from having to load the page again, it can also start to predict what you’re searching for and suggest results. If your search happen to have one result, it’ll automatically bring that post up saving you even more time.

Finally, you’re easily able to filter results by most recent, most commented, and last modified. Then you can filter how many results you want. We believe the search on Wikeasi will be heavily used, and you’ll really enjoy the functionality we’ve built into it’s search capabilities.


Custom Wikeasi Widgets

The theme includes 8 custom widgets that you can add to any of your widgetized regions – 1 sidebar, 1 featured category sidebar, and 4 footer widgetized regions.

The custom woo widgets included are:

[insert name=»adding-widgets»]

Page Templates

[insert name=»page-templates»]

Use of your personal data
We and our partners process your personal data (such as browsing data, IP Addresses, cookie information, and other unique identifiers) based on your consent and/or our legitimate interest to optimize our website, marketing activities, and your user experience.