How To

Theme Overview

Below is a screenshot of the Currents home page with each of it’s modules explained. More detailed documentation on each section below.

Currents Home Page Explained

The home page of Currents is clean, slick, and informative. It’s put together in such a way that it easily leads you down the page filled with information, but at the same time not cluttering your view of what’s important. It’s this wonderful layout that respects white space and visual hierarchy while still getting you the information you need. A big step and departure from the news sites you are used to reading. So let’s start at the top and make our way down the Currents home page, stopping at each section to show you how to easily set it up.

Using A Custom Logo

It’s very easy to add a custom logo to Currents or even use a text title. Navigate the Currents theme options and upload your logo with the upload button here.

Setting Up Currents Menus

Once uploaded be sure to click on the “insert into post” button and then click on “save all changes”. You can also simply use a text title for your site. You can set this up under Settings>General in your WordPress admin.

Setting up Menus

Setting up the menus in Currents is as easy as drag and drop. Navigate to Appearance>Menus and setup the pages, categories, and custom links as you’d wish. The top menu sits above the logo and search area, the primary menu is right below the header and above the slider, and finally the footer menu is in the footer area of Currents.

Currents Featured Slider Settings

Featured Slider

The featured slider can be used to display your noteworthy blog posts and easily done so as it is tag based. You first need to setup the tag or tags you’d like to use in the theme options. This tag or tags will be what you need to add to the posts you want to feature in the slider. For instance our demo is setup with the tag featured. Any post with the featured tag will show in the slider.

Setting Up The Featured Slider

Adding the tag to the post is important, as is specifying the image to use in the “Currents Custom Settings” panel below the WYSIWYG editor on the Add/Edit post form. When uploading an image you need to make sure that it is at least 800px wide by 365px tall. Otherwise the image will be stretched to fit.

You can also add a featured slider post with video, here’s how. When creating a post scroll down below the edit window and in the “Currents Custom Settings” you’ll see a box for an embed code. Copy an embed code from any provide like YouTube, or Vimeo and then publish your post with your featured slider tag.

Creating A Video Slide

Recent News Area

On the Currents home page you can display posts from specific categories below the featured category area. You can have up to 3 categories display here among other options.

Recent New Settings
Recent News Section

Featured Category Area

The featured category area of the homepage is next. As the name says this is a nice area on the homepage to feature only one category. You can of course change this day to day or week by week if you’d like to rotate categories here. This section also has a widgetized sidebar.

Featured Category Settings
Featured Category Section

Author Settings

There are a few options when viewing a single post we need to talk about as well. Currents works well with multiple authors, as you’ll see that it has an authors widget and even an authors page template to show off the team that works hard producing content for the site.

The first option is to show the authors information below the posts they write. There are three options for the author. You can enable the post author box on both the post and on the archive page. You also have the option to show the author’s twitter stream on his or her archive page. This is all setup under the users profile.

Currents Author Settings

Related News Area

We’ve included an easy way to show related posts at the bottom of your normal post. There are a few options that you are free to setup as you’d like, but the two important ones are how you want the theme to show related posts. You have the option to show related posts by category, by tags, or by both. You can then choose the amount of related posts you want to show.

Related News Settings

Custom Ad Content

A unique piece about the Currents home page. There is a great ad space that you can setup to display any text you’d like, your logo, and a call to action button. Just imagine the day that WooCommerce handles subscriptions with this.

Custom Ad Settings
Custom Currents Ad

Post Intro Text

Finally, the last bit of Currents is the ability to set a piece of intro text to a post. Simply fill out the excerpt when creating a post and save that.

Intro Text Setup
Intro Text Area


Custom Currents Widgets

The theme includes 8 custom widgets that you can add to any of your widgetized regions – 1 sidebar, 1 featured category sidebar, and 4 footer widgetized regions.

The custom woo widgets included are:

[insert name=”adding-widgets”]

Page Templates

[insert name=”page-templates”]

Use of your personal data
We and our partners process your personal data (such as browsing data, IP Addresses, cookie information, and other unique identifiers) based on your consent and/or our legitimate interest to optimize our website, marketing activities, and your user experience.