How To

Important: Please have a thorough read through the WooCommerce Codex and familiarise yourself with using the plugin and it’s various features. It will stand you in good stead when setting up your theme.

Adding Slider to Homepage

After activating WooStore you will no doubt notice that your homepage looks a little empty. This section explains how to populate your homepage with content.

The WooStore homepage slider pulls the custom “slides” post type. The number of slides is set under the “Homepage Slider” theme option’s panel. You can set the animation speed, effect, auto start and slide interval under the theme options.

Adding a slide

To add a slide simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to Slides > Add New.
  2. Type a title for the slide and complete all of the post’s body content.
  3. Specify a “Featured Image” which will be used as the slider background (620x320px minimum size).
  4. Publish the slide.

Displaying content on the homepage

You may wish to include a welcome message on your homepage or indeed simply display the latest posts from your blog. To do so you must first specify whether that content is displayed or not by navigating to the ‘General Settings’ tab of the WooStore theme options. At the bottom of this tab you will find the ‘Homepage Content’ select drop down. Choose ‘Yes’ to display content on your homepage.

By default your latest posts will be pulled in. You may prefer to pull content from a specific page in here. To achieve this, create a new page, for example ‘Welcome’ and publish it. Now navigate to the ‘Reading’ settings within WordPress. Inside the ‘Front page displays’ option click the ‘A static page’ radio button and select ‘Welcome’ from the ‘Front page’ drop down. That page content will now be displayed on your homepage.

Don’t forget to create a page specifically for displaying your posts too (e.g. ‘blog’).

Featured Products

With a fresh install of both WooCommerce and WooStore you will not have any specified featured products. Thusly this section of the homepage will be empty.

Fortunately there is no custom setup to be done here. Add your products as normal and if you’d like them to appear in this section then you simply need to check the ‘Featured?’ checkbox.

Once you’ve added some featured products, you will be able to choose from two different ways to display them on the homepage. If you have a lot of featured products then it would be wise to display then in a slider so that they do not bloat the homepage and push other important content further down the page. If you only have a few then a static grid would be better. You can find this option within the WooStore options panel at the bottom of the ‘Homepage Settings’ tab.

Recent Products

Similarly there is no configuration to be done in this section. Recent products will appear automatically as soon as you begin populating your WooCommerce catalog.


Custom WooStore widgets

The theme includes custom widgets that you can add to any of your widgetized regions. Go to Apperance > Widgets to add these to your theme.

The custom woo widgets included are:

[insert name=”adding-widgets”]

Page Templates

[insert name=”page-templates”]

“Business” Page Template

[insert name=”docs-wc-business-templates”]

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We and our partners process your personal data (such as browsing data, IP Addresses, cookie information, and other unique identifiers) based on your consent and/or our legitimate interest to optimize our website, marketing activities, and your user experience.